Women Teaching Women

Through Bible Studies, Resources, Podcasts, in our Graceful Homes, Kitchen and Social Media!

Following Titus 2

Following Titus 2 is a special place designed just for YOU! Women in all stages of life! We don’t look perfect in our social media world, we have real- life struggles; making time for daily devotion, cooking dinner, decorating a beautiful home, teaching our children, being a good wife …. you know, all the things we WANT to be perfect, yet too often we feel we fall short. Don’t give up my sweet friend. This is the place for you. We will cheer you on! Root for you and pick you up when you feel down! Why? Because we’ve all been there, FT2 is all about Women Teaching Women.

God has blessed me with an AMAZING team! Stop by, get to know us, and be a part of our community. Thank you for sharing your time with us at FT2.

Love, hugs, and prayers,

Gena Caruthers

Women Teaching Women

All branding images of Gena Caruthers and Following Titus 2 have been taken by Lo Caruthers Photography.

My Amazingly Talented Daughter-in-law.