If I opened my heart for you to see WHO IS Gena Caruthers, you may be suprised…. I am just a woman who loves God and people, especially ladies ministry. In my 60 years on this earth I’ve made more embarrassing mistakes, than I care to remember, and certainly don’t feel like I’m anyone to be displaying a “life of perfect togetherness”. Although I do thank my many mentors and mother, Nelda Johnson, for instilling a love for God’s Word, candor, organizational skills, grace and a little class in my life.

The WHY? Behind FT2


About Gena

My marriage to David K. Caruthers has enriched my life more than words could ever describe. He is my true opposite (lol). I admit to being down-to-earth, while he is my deep thinking, intellectual, God-fearing and wise counsel. He has helped me raise two amazingly unique and very gifted humans (lol), Nathan Caruthers and Ashley Davis. God answered my prayers by giving each of them soulmates that fit each perfectly… PERFECTLY and they have given me the most amazing “little people” ever!!! Jack, Olivia, Joy, and Maxwell.

My life is rich with God’s blessings.

None of which I deserve.


So here I am today, just a normal woman like you trying to share my life in a way that will help you, and not expose too much of my insides.  I’m real. I love. I hurt. I heal and I love Jesus with all my heart.  His Word truly has been a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. My prayer and mission is to encourage, share and help you apply some principles I’ve learned on my life’s journey.    


I have worked in the corporate world most of my adult life. It wasn’t always a joy, the journey of raising kids and working full time, and pastoring…. it was a difficult road. But I’ve learned not to curse the journey, it prepared me for what God had in store. It blessed me with skills that have blessed and enriched our ministry along the way.