Developing a Purposeful Daily Devotion Routine

Gena Caruthers with Guest, Meg Najera

Meg knows from experience that Bible reading, prayer, and journaling are life-changing habits.  It was in accessing Jesus through these simple disciplines that He has changed her life and healed her heart. And she is convinced that these habits will change in my life! 

Unedited, Hope & Healing Through the Simple Habit of Bible Reading and Prayer

Is A simple collection of devotional thoughts, written over a long journey of healing.

You will learn from her book, in the 7 years spent compiling and drafting this book, she discovered verifiable, documented proof to back her own personal claims regarding Bible reading, prayer, and journaling.

God has given us the Bible reading and prayer as the avenue to access relationship with Him.  The Unedited book and podcast offer tips and a tangible example of what these habits can look like.

Meg’s goal through Unedited is to help all people everywhere find HOPE & HEALING through the Word of God, and Ultimately to fall in love with Jesus as they fall in love with their Bibles. 

Podcast: Unedited with Meg Najera

Book: Unedited: Hope & Healing Through the Simple Habit of Bible Reading and Prayer

Instagram: Unedited.Meg



The Church and Compassionate Care