HELP, I’m Drowning…

Weathering the Storms of life with GRACE and HOPE

By: Sally Clarkson


Review by: Ashley Davis

HELP, I’m Drowning by Sally Clarkson proves to be an encouraging, helpful book for those in an overwhelming season or life stage and even for those who feel like they’re currently experiencing smooth sailing. Clarkson couples her own personal life experiences with other testimonies, scripture, and sound advice to deliver a book that’s guaranteed to bind up the brokenhearted and refresh the downtrodden.

This book doesn’t focus on a specific type of “drowning,” rather it examines a variety of areas of life where women tend to feel discouraged, overwhelmed, or forgotten. Clarkson begins by asking a legitimate question that any drowning soul has thought to ask, “Does God Not Care?” From there, she goes on to assure readers that feelings of sadness and lament are normal and okay. Beyond those introductory chapters, she covers the following topics: loneliness and isolation; broken expectations; busyness, distraction, and exhaustion; fear; disappointment in marriage; challenges with children; storms created by critics. The final chapters bring reminders of how important it is for us as women to care for ourselves, remember that these storms are not without purpose (they build our character), and remember that we leave a legacy by building a foundation.

At the end of each chapter, Clarkson provides the reader with three things: An Anchoring Prayer, An Anchoring Scripture, and An Anchoring Act. These chapter conclusions help bring more practicality of the chapter’s content to the reader. Questions are also included in these conclusion sections to help further the application in your own life. Most question would be useable in a group setting.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from HELP, I’m Drowning:

“He wants me, like His disciples, to face my storms with faith, believing that He is with me and capable of helping me, and will give me a way to survive. My part is to trust Him” (29-30).

 “Will you be a victim to your uncontrollable circumstances, or can you pursue a path of growing acceptance with grace, happiness that is beyond your circumstances?” (84)

 “Returning strength for strength or anger for anger or impatience for impatience may be what comes naturally. But if a mama understands that her children, like her, are going to make mistakes, have accidents, and show the dark heart of sin, she will not condemn them harshly for doing so. Instead, from a heart that knows she does not deserve the grace and love of Jesus but receives it nonetheless, she will extend her patience and mercy and gentleness to her children to show them the real heart of Jesus. Part of straining toward maturity is showing patience, grace, mercy, love, and compassion” (163).

“Being obedient to God and stretching our character toward holiness does not happen all at once. It grows over time, and is strengthened as we practice using our spiritual muscles to walk with God one day at a time” (212).

These quotes by no means encompass the whole message of this book, but they spoke to me. My copy is filled with lots of highlighting and marking. With this one, I had nearly as many “a-ha” moments as I had yes, yes I remember that’s true moments.


women, young adults and older; This book isn’t specifically for wives or mothers, but it does have a chapter dedicated specifically to both of those areas of life. Sally Clarkson is also well-known for her dedication to motherhood ministry, so that influence is present in the book.

Usefulness Rating:

HELP, I’m Drowning, was useful and had plenty of “in theory” and “in all practicality” type information and suggestions.

Entertainment Value:

Though this book is not meant for simply 100% leisure reading, it was entertaining and enjoyable. If we’re considering ease of reading, I would give this book a high rating. It was easy to read while still making a valuable highlight-worthy impact.

Good for Groups:

While this book does not currently have an accompanying workbook, it would still likely be easy to coordinate with a group. The content is quite general and each chapter’s closing could be used to facilitate a group setting.

For more information about this book or other reading suggestions, feel free to contact me directly.


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