Homeschool Bravely

By Jamie Erickson

Reviewed by Ashley Davis

           Have you felt God calling you to homeschool, but you’re flooded with doubts and trepidation? Is it your desire to homeschool but outside influences – family, friends, loved ones – are proving to be unsupportive naysayers? Are you already a homeschool parent, but you’re needing a fresh dose of inspiration and encouragement? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Homeschool Bravely needs to be the next book on your reading list!

 In this book, Jaime Erickson identifies the fear, tackles the struggle, and identifies the solution for homeschool moms when it comes to schooling children with confidence and bravery. In the opening chapters, the author encourages homeschooling mothers to wholeheartedly believe that their choice to homeschool is a calling, not a coincidence. In the next few chapters, Jaime addresses teaching unique and struggling children, teaching with toddlers underfoot, and how to deal with crazy days and seasons. In the final chapters, homeschool moms are urged to not recreate the typical classroom at home, to manage their schedule in a way that works best for their family, to ease their defense of their choice to homeschool, and to school their children with their end goals in mind.


At the end of the book, a very helpful appendix with questions to consider before homeschooling is included as well as an appendix with resources for further reading.           

Here are some quotes I liked from Homeschool Bravely.

“If you're homeschooling right now, it is because God ordained in for this time. And, dare I say it, He called you to it. Granted, He may not have used a neon sign or writing in the sky, but He called you just the same” (22).

“Homeschool with that same kind of fervor. Don't be scared. Be brave. Scared is just the mask that fear wears to lure a mom into defeat-and defeat never comes from God. Bravery, on the other hand, admits not only who you are, but also who God is.

Brave shifts the confidence to God and fully embraces His ability to do it right. Do it well. Do it for your good. God chose you for this task, so don't question His ability to choose wisely” (45).

“…struggle-filled days, weeks, or even months don't derail an education. As long as my children can each get forward motion bit-by-bit, it will all add up. There will still be fruit” (85).

“Forced association is not socialization” (120).

“I've come to realize that a less-than-tidy home is the occupational hazard of homeschooling” (143). 

“Persistence and pluck will support and sustain you when no amount of know-how, talent, and gifting seems to help. All the while, you'll be wondering, Did it stick? Did it work? But the outcome is not up to you, my friend, only the obedience” (171).  

Homeschooling mothers.

Usefulness Rating:
Very useful! At the time of reading, I would consider this the BEST general homeschooling book I’ve read yet.

Entertainment Value:
Jaime includes some entertaining stories, but inspiration and encouragement are definitely the primary goal of this book.

Good For Groups:
This book isn’t designed for groups, but it could easily be adapted into a group read for a group of homeschooling moms.

For more information about this book or other reading suggestions, feel free to contact me directly.


Awaking Wonder: Opening Your Child’s Heart to the Beauty of Learning


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