The Book of Job: Trials & Transitions
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This is a 31-day beautifully bound Bible study designed to complete at your own pace.
Through the story and life of Job, readers experience a beautiful, though heart-wrenching, portrayal of God’s sovereignty and righteousness. Job faced remarkable challenges, which can be a common part of the human experience, and by reading his story, we can take hope and comfort in God’s faithful, unchanging character. Certainly, His ways are higher than ours! (Isaiah 55:9)
Shipping included!
This is a 31-day beautifully bound Bible study designed to complete at your own pace.
Through the story and life of Job, readers experience a beautiful, though heart-wrenching, portrayal of God’s sovereignty and righteousness. Job faced remarkable challenges, which can be a common part of the human experience, and by reading his story, we can take hope and comfort in God’s faithful, unchanging character. Certainly, His ways are higher than ours! (Isaiah 55:9)
Shipping included!
This is a 31-day beautifully bound Bible study designed to complete at your own pace.
Through the story and life of Job, readers experience a beautiful, though heart-wrenching, portrayal of God’s sovereignty and righteousness. Job faced remarkable challenges, which can be a common part of the human experience, and by reading his story, we can take hope and comfort in God’s faithful, unchanging character. Certainly, His ways are higher than ours! (Isaiah 55:9)
We learn in the prologue who Job was and why God chose to remove His protection from Job and his family. (chapters 1-2)
Following the prologue, we read speeches from three of Job’s friends giving their perspective on why Job was suffering, as well as misconceptions they have about God. A fourth friend arrives and offers a slightly different perspective on Job’s misfortunes. Following every friend’s monologue, we read Job’s response to their opinion; though, he is not always entirely correct in his opinion of God’s character and reasoning. (chapters 3-37)
Finally, God speaks from a whirlwind reminding Job of all that He has done, particularly in creation, and proving His greatness and sovereignty. (chapters 38-41)
God’s message left Job repentant and humbled. God restores all that Job has lost and gives him even more than he had before the trial! (chapter 42).
The author and date of the book is unknown, but Jewish tradition believes it was written during Moses’s time.
Key Verses:
Job 1:21 “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (CSB).
Job 19:25 “But I know that my redeemer lives, and at the end He will stand on the dust” (KJV).
Job 42:5 “I had heard reports about you, but now my eyes have seen you” (CSB).
Resources Reference
Garrett, Duane A., Harry Hunt, and Richard D. Patterson. KJV Illustrated Bible Handbook. Holman Reference. Nashville, Tennessee, 2012. PP 151-158.
Holman, CSB Bibles. “Job.” Holy Bible. CSB She Reads Truth Bible. Champagne Gold Leathertouch. Holman Bible Pub, 2019
Morrison, Sarah and Kristin Schmucker. The Bible Handbook. The Daily Grace Co. 2020. PP 111-115.