The Thief Of Sister-love

Written By: Gena Caruthers

February 27, 2022

“‘The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”

John 10:10-11 (NKJV)

*Throughout this devotion, understand that “brotherly love” is gender-neutral.

Hello, my name is Gena, and I am an affectionate person. (Lol.) I feel I almost need to join a support group because affection today is so misunderstood. Years ago, our head usher, whom I hold fond affections for and miss so very much, pointed out to me that whenever I wanted to make a request, I would always reach out and touch his arm. (Lol.) I didn’t realize that I did this, I’m just a touchy person. I NEVER mean it in an inappropriate way and throughout the years, I’ve had to learn to be careful that it is not misunderstood.  I blame it on my father’s deaf family rearing, along with my candid conversation.  Giggle… But I’ve already told you, I am a people lover, but that “love” does NOT include sexual connotations.

No one likes a thief! A thief takes what does not belong to him leaving his victim violated, dishonored, even… isolated. His modus operandi is sneaky and devious. Step-by-step he plans incremental plots that thwart our life’s direction.  Until one day, we wake-up and realize something very special is gone, lost, vanished.

The Devil is a thief! God’s Word clearly tells us he only comes to steal, kill and destroy. 
But God has come that we may have life and that we may have it more abundantly!

Today I’m calling him out! Yes, I’m aggravated… I will go as far as to even say, I’m angry! I’m angry because the devil is stealing from us, ever so slyly and incrementally, he’s stealing our beautiful, pure, platonic brotherly love.

Romans 12:10

I have a declaration to make, in which I feel very passionate about:

You can love someone,

show affection to someone,


My friends – we must TEACH our children and younger generation this concept. Our world has been so sexualized that many people don’t feel the freedom to have platonic relationships. Bit by bit we are being robbed of beautiful, platonic brotherly love. This robbery is causing:

1.     people to feel alone and isolated, without ever realizing they’ve been robbed of one of God’s GREATEST gifts. 

2.     women to expect their manly husbands to replace a niche that their sisterhood/girlfriends once filled.

3.     fear of what others may think of us, being such good friends.

Many years ago, it was not unusual for two women, or bachelors, to share an apartment until they were married or could financially afford to do so on their own. But today, the enemy has stolen that innocence of friendship and companionship from us, leaving us isolated. He is a trickster! If he can manipulate us through loneliness, financial bondage, and sexual confusion….he has us just where he wants us. 

Today I want to SHOUT

Hebrews 13:1 (KJV)

“Let brotherly love continue.”

We were created to love! Yes, there are a variety of levels of love. Each is valuable and important in its own manner, but my sweet friend, let us not forget to continue to cherish platonic brotherly love.

Weekly Prayer Focus:

  • Ask God to guard your heart and mind in all things.

  • Thank God for a special friend He has placed in your life.

  • Schedule time with your friend. Maybe it’s a lunch, coffee, or a FaceTime call.

  • Don’t shy away from expressing your platonic affectionate hug with a friend. 


Recipes for Peace


Forgiving, Unfailing Love