
By Terri Blackstock

Reviewed by: Ashley Davis

By Blackstock, Terri
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After a large explosion at a local concert….

Taylor barely escapes with her life, and she carries the heavy, devastating weight of knowing she didn’t help her friends evacuate in the emergency;

Dustin finds himself framed for a crime he didn’t commit;

 Criminal attorney, Jaime, feels compelled to defend her childhood friend – all the while knowing it could cost her career.  

If you’re looking for a fast-paced, action-based story with elements of romance, mystery, and drama, pick up a copy of Aftermath! I recently read this book with a small group at church and while it wasn’t a five-star read for me, it did generate some interesting conversation and lively opinions.

Admittedly, there can be some cheesy parts to the Christian fiction genre, but it’s not all bad. Plus, books by Terri Blackstock come with the promise of having no inappropriate content. There’s nothing worse for a reader than having to quit a book halfway in because the sexual content or language has gone too far.

 You won’t have concerns like that with this one. Happy reading!

Audience: 16+

Usefulness Rating: This book would be useful for small groups.

Entertainment Value: That’s the point of this one! It’s entertaining.  

Good for Groups: This book would work well for a small group discussion, but I would not recommend if for more than one or two meetings. The group I hosted with the book met three times, and there simply was not enough content to discuss for an hour each time. It was fun to meet one time during the reading of the book so everyone could make their guesses about how the story would end, and it was nice to meet at the end to discuss the conclusion of the story. Other meetings were superfluous.

For more information about this book or other reading suggestions, feel free to contact me directly.


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