Prayer Guide Binder
May 11, 2023
Resource By: Ashley Davis
Prayer Guide Binder
As a fan of resources, I’ve tried all different kinds of prayer journals and prayer notebooks over the years. I’ve found things that I like and dislike with nearly every method, and I tend to switch things up quite regularly. I recently started wanting to take a break from writing so much in my prayer and practice praying out loud more. I’ve found using scripture and different prayer guides has been very helpful! I compiled a notebook of different scriptures and prayer guides I found online. I don’t use this binder every day. It’s extra helpful on mornings when my words are few, sluggish, or uninspired!
If you decide to put one of these together for yourself (and you don’t use the specific supplies I listed), you’ll want to be sure your divider tabs are longer than your sheet protectors and that your binder extends past the edge of both the sheet protectors and tabs.
Below I will share some of my favorite guides from my binder and how I’ve divided up the categories. If to like the guides pictured, simply click the photo to find a copy for yourself. You may have to join the creator’s email list to access some downloads. To be clear, I didn’t make most of these, but they’re all freebies. If you want to build your own binder full of printed prayer guides, simple Google searches for specific topics/scriptures and Pintrest searches will probably be the best resources.
Tab #1
I have reserved the first tab in my binder for praise & worship. I have inserted scriptures from Psalms, different names of God lists, and other guides that inspire worship.
We’ve made some of our very own printable scripture prayer guides here at FT2! They’re simple and pretty. We’ve got them in three different Psalms.
Danielle over at Living Free Indeed has lots of pretty prayer guides, this one included!
You’ll see that on some of the guides, I write on the sheet protector with a wet erase marker. This just helps make the prayer more personal and applicable to me. In some places, I also use post it notes to personalize my prayers. You’ll see several of this style prayer guide throughout my binder. These are created by Melanie over at Wildly Anchored.
Tab #2
In the second tab, I focus the prayers on myself. This is also where I keep a copy of my goals for the year and my vision board.
Here’s another guide form Wildly Anchored. This one is focused on renewing our minds with scripture.
Tab #3
In the third tab, I pray for my family and others. I’ve got a few different prayer guides for my husband in this section as well as guides for praying for my children. I’ve also got lists here of our church staff and worship leaders.
Next, I’ve got one more guide from Wildly Anchored that is specific scriptures to help fuel prayers for children.
This guide from iMom provides ten short, simple prayers to pray for your children
Tab #4
In the fourth tab, I have different scriptures that I like for prayer in general. Most of these were found with basic Google searches. I’ve also got some pretty pages to add my favorite verses too.
Tab #5
Behind the fifth and final tab, I’ve got some Bible guides that show different information about the Bible or different scripture breakdowns. I don’t use these for prayer, but this is a handy place to keep them!
Hopefully the pictures and information here will inspire you to build a prayer guide binder of your own to freshen up your personal prayer time! Happy praying!
❤️ Ashley Davis