Creating Christmas Traditions

By: Bradyn Ouellette

When I got married in 2021, I was very intimidated when the holiday season started to come around the corner. As a new young-married couple beginning our life together, I wanted to do all the “Christmas-y” type things since it was going to be our first Christmas as a family! I tried to start all kind of traditions. My time was spent frantically brainstorming, planning, and trying to execute all kinds of Christmas plans. In the end, I tired myself out and missed cherishing that special time with my husband. I laugh looking back on that first Christmas and wish I could tell myself to relax! Christmas traditions are a joy, but they shouldn’t come at the expense of your sanity! (haha). 

If you’re a young married like me, or a little more seasoned in your life, here are some tips and ideas for creating Christmas traditions for your family!  


1.              Keep it Simple!

Christmas traditions do not have to be over the top or out of your budget. I love Pinterest for the craft/decor ideas, but sometimes it is overwhelming! Some of the simplest traditions can be the most beloved by your family! Examples: Buying a new ornament each year, making handmade Christmas cards, or advent calendars.

2.              Don’t Compare

Social media can make us feel like we are not doing enough, especially when you see all of the activities that others may be participating in during the holidays. Don’t fall into the comparison trap! What works for other families may not work for your family, and that is ok! Every family is different and that’s what makes traditions special. 

3.              Be Present (pun intended!) 

Don’t participate in traditions for the sake of checking them off your holiday to-do list or creating an Instagram post. Traditions should be something that you want to do to create future memories! Enjoy the time spent with your family and cherish the moments that make Christmas special for you. 



If you’re stump this holiday season trying to think of traditions or want to try something new, here are a couple of Christmas traditions that my family does each year. Feel free to adopt one or alter it to fit your family! 

1.              Nutcrackers

I started a collection of nutcrackers when I was a teenager. Each year I like to add a new one to my collection. It has grown tremendously and now I am even gifted nutcrackers from my friends and family! This year I have made it a point to add the year purchased and who gifted me the nutcracker on the bottom so I can always look back and remember. 

2.              Monogrammed Stockings 

In 2020 while taking out the Christmas decor, I found a bunch of red stockings in our attic that had never been used before. I decided to dust them off and do a little DIY project with my Cricut. I found a simple monogram design on Google and ironed on each family member’s monogram in black glittery letters. The monogrammed stocking have now become a fun family tradition! This year I was able to make one for my sweet little niece. This will be her first Christmas!   

3.              Frosty The Snowman 

My family has had this plush Frosty The Snowman decoration for as long as I can remember! When I was little, my grandma told me that he sits by the tree to watch over the presents and guard them while we go to sleep. She probably just told me this so I wouldn’t try to snoop!  

4.              Yearly Gift 

One thing I like to do for my husband is buy him a new bottle of cologne each year for Christmas. It’s always a small box wrapped under the tree so he likes to search for it on Christmas Morning. This year I might trick him and put it in his stocking-haha!.  


I hope this encouraged you to keep with the Christmas traditions in your family! May the holidays bring you joy and laughter this year! Merry Christmas!

❤️- B.




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