Christian Gratitude Journal for Women

By Pretty Simple Books

Reviewed by Ashley Davis

***Scroll to the bottom of the post for giveaway details!

       It’s that time of year! Holiday season is just about upon us! This tends to be a busy time of the year, and unfortunately, it tends to be a time when (if we’re not careful) our minds shift quickly to ideas about doing all the things, buying all the gifts, and making sure everyone has fun doing it all (whether they like it or not!!). We get busy, consumed, and then quickly overwhelmed by this coming season. This sweet, simple gratitude journal is a year-long invitation to fight overwhelm and discontentment with gratitude.

We know having a grateful heart and intentionally keeping track of what we’re thankful for is important. Study after study has shown the value of specifically writing down things that we want to express gratitude for. But sometimes, we find ourselves slipping into the busy (or feeling busy) slump and miss our chance to express our thankfulness, or some of us do remember to give thanks but miss the impact of actually writing what we’re thankful for.

This little Christian Gratitude journal is just the right remedy. It’s designed to be used over the course of a year. It has a two-page spread for each week with three-line items to be written per day. That’s 21 things you’re thankful for each week! At the beginning of each week, there’s a verse to focus on, usually focused on the theme of thanksgiving. Each week concludes with a space to write a simple prayer. Every quarter, there’s a gratitude check-in page. Each check-in (there are four) has a thought-provoking question, journaling prompt, and space to write. I could see these longer form check-ins keeping things fresh and breaking up the monotony of the weekly entries.

This is a simple and cute little journal to help you create consistency in the practice of gratitude. You’d be amazed by the difference this discipline would make in your life. Taking just 60 seconds to write three things you’re thankful for can change your mindset and reframe your attitude of gratitude.

***The most exciting part of this recommendation is the giveaway!

If you want to grow in gratitude this holiday season and all year long, here’s how to enter!

  1. Like this post.

  2. Share this resource with a friend.

  3. Comment one think that makes you thankful.

Drawing will be on Monday, November 14th @10AM
Book will be shipped directly to your front door!

Jump over to our FB page to enter the drawing!

Jump over to IG to enter the drawing!

If you can’t wait…

For more information about this book or other reading suggestions, feel free to contact me directly.


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