Renew My Mind Prayer Guide

By: Ashley Davis

As the holiday season is quickly approaching, you may find your mind spinning with alllllll the things: shopping, decorating, kids’ activities, memory-making, family pictures, Christmas cards, and more – not to mention 2024 is right around the corner, too! During busy and chaotic seasons or seasons of preparation, it is enormously useful to pray specifically for God to help and strengthen us in our minds. We’ve created a prayer guide for you to do just that! Whether you need help keeping your sanity through a full holiday season or you need clarity for plans in the coming year, this guide will be a handy tool. It focuses on asking Jesus to help you in five specific areas.

“Lord, teach me to…”

1.     Have an eternal focus

2.     Renew my mind

3.     Have the mind of Christ

4.     Take every thought captive

5.     Walk in the Spirit

With the corresponding scriptures for each prayer point, you could easily spend your upcoming week digging deep into these verses and increasing your knowledge and understanding to guide your prayer time. We’re praying you’ll be blessed and encouraged during the holiday season and the coming year. Take heart and be renewed in your mind; Christ is with you!

❤️ Ashley Davis



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