
How Just ONE CHANGE Can Make All Of Life Better

By Brant Hansen

Reviewed By Guest Contributor: Gena Caruthers

I remember the day this book caught my eye, it was for a friend. A friend that had suffered a great offense. As I read the reviews and captions I thought “WOW! This sounds like a great recommendation.” You see, being in the ministry we deal with people that are offended so often. We’re offended, so often. We offend others, so often. It wasn’t long after I dove into the pages of UNoffendable that I realized very quickly… this book wasn’t for a friend, this book was FOR ME. Yes, me. I’m embarrassed to sheepishly whisper…. “me”… I would like to think of myself as “not easily offended”. I certainly don’t hold onto offenses, and forgive easily, but I’ll never forget the Sunday morning God held the mirror up to my prideful heart and allowed me a strong and long look.

I walked into church with a grandchild (or two) in tow, bags in hand, trying to put on my best Pastor’s wife smile and a sweet lady met me at the door with a flower (yes, a flower) and words that cut to my heart. Veiled words. What did she mean by that? And a flower? …. my heart was hurt… offended. That’s when I realized, this book was for “ME”!

I am convinced, absolutely convinced, that as Christian, Spirit-filled women we did not wake up this morning and say to ourselves “I’m going to say…. (whatever)… and hurt her feelings. That’s not how it happens. Instead it’s usually by a:

  • mispoken word

  • fogotten appreciation

  • unintended facial expression

  • misconceived text

  • misunderstood communication

  • etcetera

    And before we know it we have been offended, or worse yet, we have offended.

    Author, Brant Hanson, repeatedly emphasizes the power of OUR CHOICE in these situations. He provides helpful tools and resources we can put into practice that will help us overcome and be more successful in even the most challenging relationships. I have to admit, my Kindle version of this book has been greatly hi-lighted and noted. And from time-to-time, I’ve found it very helpful to pick it up and have a little “refresher course” in choosing to be UNoffendable.

This book is a MUST READ for every person! But be ready, get your hi-lighter and mark it up because you too will find it as a helpful resource for many years to come!

Favorite Quotes:

“Not only can we choose to be unoffendable; we should choose that. We should forefeit our right to be offended. That means forefeiting our right to hold on to anger. When we do this, we’ll be making a sacrifice that’s very pleasing to God. It strikes at our very pride. It forces us not only to think about humanity, but to actually be humble.”

“Being offended is a tiring business. Letting things go gives you energy.”

“Offense obscures our vision. Removing offense enables us to see people in wonderful, new ways.”

“We have nothing to prove, and when we really believe that, we’ll hardly be quick to anger. Remember: Anger and rest are always at odds. You can’t have both at once.”

“Anger makes me think I have a right to hold the stone. I may not throw it, but I’ll hold on to it, since the other person really did do that horrible thing. But in the story, all the Pharisees drop their stones. The “good” guys, the aggrieved defenders of the faith, walk away empty-handed. They’ve got nothing.”

Men or women ages 16+

Usefulness Rating:
This book is Biblically based and very useful!

Entertainment Value:
This book isn’t intended for entertainment, but has some entertaining and applicable stories.

Good For Groups:
This book also comes with a study guide and could be used with groups.

For more information about this book or other reading suggestions, feel free to contact me directly.


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