Fall Leaves and Rubber Bands

By: Ruthie Tanner

How do fall leaves and a rubber band go together?

I’m so glad you asked!

Here’s a quick tip - it seriously takes 5 minutes and you will have a fall touch that can be used anywhere:

Place on a desk, kitchen counter or make several and put down center of your dining table.

Take a clear vase, this one is 5” tall, and place a rubber band around center of vase.

Pull the leaves off of the stem, cutting any plastic stems off.

Insert the leaves under the rubber band all the way around the vase.

Cover the rubber band with jute or ribbon and secure it with knot.

Glue a bow over the knot and add a candle.

I wrapped the jute around the vase 7 times to give the look I desired.

Look at that, So pretty!

Who says decorating has to be costly?

Another plus is it’s not a decor piece you have to store till next year - the leaves can easily be removed and the vase used for something else at the season’s end.

Thanks for visiting Graceful Home

Happy Fall Y’all!!



How Was That Created?


Tips for Beautiful Outdoor Fall Decor