Tips for Setting Up a Personal Prayer Space

July 27, 2023

By: Ashley Davis

One of my favorite places to be in my home is in my prayer space! Today, I’m coming to you with five tips for successfully setting up your own dedicated prayer space. One of the keys to a successful prayer time is having a dedicated space. When your alarm goes off and you know where you’ll go and what you’ll do, you’re more likely to go for it.

1.     Choose a specific place. When you have a consistent and specific place dedicated for your prayer time, it eliminates at least one choice about where to do your prayer and devotion time. If you travel a lot or you can’t designate a specific place for your prayer time, you can always create a prayer/devotion basket with anything you’ll need at hand so you can move it around your house.

2.     Choose resources you like. You need your Bible (in a translation you can read and understand; I recommend ESV) in your prayer space! Additionally, you may find a journal or devotional book to be useful. An especially useful tool is The Women’s Bible Study.

3.     Eliminate distractions. If at all possible, choose a time for your prayer/devotion that isn’t full of distractions like other people (kids!), noise, or stimulation. This may mean setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier or arranging your schedule in a new way. It’s worth it!

4.     Set boundaries with your devices. I like to think of my time with Jesus each morning as a non-negotiable appointment. That means my phone doesn’t come off Do Not Disturb during that time. If possible, avoid using devotions or resources that are on your phone. We’re all prone to tapping that social media app when we’re headed toward our Bible app. Spare yourself the fight and leave your phone somewhere else.

5.     Do what works for you! Below, I’ve included some pictures of five different ladies’ prayer spaces. You’ll notice that each one is different. Some are in a shared/common space at home, and some are a dedicated room. You need to do what works for you, and it may take a few weeks to figure out if a space/time is working well for you. *As a note, I do know that each of these ladies do their prayer time in the mornings.

Ashley Davis’s Prayer Space

I have transformed our third bathroom space into a prayer space. We live in a one-story house, and to me, three bathrooms (since I only have little children) seems unnecessary and more to clean than I want! I use the vanity space as a desk type area and have hung a curtain so I can’t see my own reflection in the mirror (ha!). I have also laid out a cozy blanket in the floor for when I want to kneel in prayer. I use washi tape to post specific prayers on the cabinets and walls around me. The other handy part about this space is that I can leave everything where it is, lock the bathroom door, and know it won’t be disturbed by the kids when I walk away!

Ashley Moss’s Prayer Space

Ashley Moss uses a desk in her master bedroom upstairs for her prayer time. My favorite thing about her prayer space is the dedicated coffee maker! It’s also very cute. If your dedicated space allows for décor, that’s always a pleasant way to start your prayer time each day.

Lori’s Prayer Space

Lori prays in her living room early in the morning before her busy boys are awake. She’s a perfect example of using the quiet time basket to move your prayer time around the house as needed!

Gena’s Prayer Space

Gena is enjoying the benefits of being an empty-nester with extra bedrooms in her home! She’s got an upstairs room solely dedicated to her prayer space and library.

Bradyn’s Prayer Space

Bradyn is young married and doesn’t have children yet, so she’s not racing early-rising children to her prayer time! She prays in her living room looking out the window.

Whether you’re praying in a room specifically for prayer or a bathroom or a closet or your living, choose a space and make your appointment with Jesus each day! You won’t regret it!

❤️ Ashley Davis


Playlists for Prayer Time


Kids Worship Music!